Installation and Update

Bizline is a Customizer as well as Gutenberg Block editor based theme . by using Bizline you can create your beautiful website without coding within one minute.

  1. Adding Bizline is very simple, you need to go to Customizer >> Themes >> Add New Theme
  2. There you can see Upload Theme button aside of Add Theme heading. Click to that and you will get the option to upload a zip file. Now you can choose Bizline through choose File and after uploading the Theme click on Install now button to install .
  3. Alternately, you can install the Theme through Theme repository. Search the Bizline in the search bar, you will find the Theme . Click on the Install Now button to install the Theme.
  4. You will get a notification in the installed theme section when an update is available. You can update the theme by clicking update now button.
  5. For gutenberg block editor based sections you can use our Rise Blocks.

Demo data for customizer based content

Customizer settings

To upload customizer setting please use Customizer Export/Import plugin

Settings and theme options

Go to Customizer >> Home page setting and choose your home page

Feature slider setting

Go to Customizer >> Homepage/Frontpage Options >> Slider


Go to Customizer >> Homepage/Frontpage Options >> Quote


Go to Customizer >> Homepage/Frontpage Options >> Services


Go to Customizer >> Homepage/Frontpage Options >> Feature


Go to Customizer >> Homepage/Frontpage Options >> Testimonials


Go to Customizer >> Homepage/Frontpage Options >> Team

Call to action

Go to Customizer >> Homepage/Frontpage Options >> Call to action


Go to Customizer >> Homepage/Frontpage Options >> News

You will get more options and settings in pro version